The three elements of good medicine packaging design text, graphics and color should be fully utilized

[China Packaging Network] Drug packaging, like other product packaging, plays an important role in the sales and identification of pharmaceuticals. No matter what kind of product is packaged, the elements of its packaging design are the same. The three basic elements of writing, graphics and color are all inseparable. The same is true for drug packaging design. Text, graphics, and color elements should be fully utilized in drug packaging design.

1. Text elements of drug packaging design

As a most recognizable language, text is widely used in packaging design. The words in the medicine packaging convey to the consumer information such as the name, function, usage, and precautions of the medicine, and are the most important language in drug packaging design. Therefore, the designer's use of the text needs careful selection, unique ideas, and reasonable layout, in order to achieve concise, eye-catching, beautiful results.

Traditional Chinese medicine is a traditional medicine in China. Therefore, the packaging design of traditional Chinese medicines generally uses traditional calligraphy arts to express, and can also use the typesetting form of ancient Chinese texts, which greatly enhances the traditional color of medicines. There are many examples in this area, such as Beijing’s century-old “Tong Ren Tang”, “Qian Zhi Tang”, “Wan Quan Tang”, “Yong An Tang”, and Tianjin’s “Da Ren Tang”, all of which use the unique Chinese character form as the enterprise. Specific product identification. The obvious contrast to the packaging design of proprietary Chinese medicines is the distortion of modern fonts used in Western packaging design. The flexible selection, simple and bold style, lively layout, and dynamic, fully embodies the modern artistic charm of Chinese characters and Latin alphabet, with a high level of font The image creates an excellent brand image of product packaging design.

In the use of text languages, due to the small size of the drug packaging itself, there are drug name and generic name, composition, character, indications, function indications, specifications, usage and dosage, adverse reactions, contraindications, precautions, storage, production date 18 indispensable items such as product batch number, expiration date, approval number, production company, and registered trademark should be arranged. This requires designers to distinguish between primary and secondary, reasonable layout, not only to facilitate consumer identification, but also has a design sense of primary and secondary visual order, and allows consumers to have a sense of trust in the safety and efficacy of drugs.

2. Graphic elements of drug packaging design

The graphic design of pharmaceutical packaging mainly uses the constitution methods, using figurative graphics or abstract graphics to convey drug information. In general, western medicine uses abstract graphics, which uses dots, lines, and faces to create some unique and modern aesthetic product images with a concise, concise, and novel compositional technique. This often gives people a very deep impression. Such as the United States SAMMY brand cough syrup, in the pure white background above the outline of the three green side of the face of the graphic, a symbol of health, give people a trusted and healthy psychological feelings. In short, the design and selection of graphic language must be linked to the pharmaceutical characteristics of medicines, regional culture, aesthetic tastes and fashion, and it is indispensable for individual creativity of visual arts.

3, color elements of pharmaceutical packaging design

The color of drug packaging is the image color of the drug as a whole. Different colors represent different drug values ​​and visual effects. It first aroused the attention of consumers. It is the most influential factor in drug packaging design, and the sales of pharmaceutical products. The establishment of publicity and brand image plays a key role. In order to give full play to the role of color language, designers should reasonably select and apply appropriate and effective colors under the premise of familiar with the functions of drugs. Different colors often have different symbolic meanings: blue symbolizes technology and the unknown world, green symbolizes peace and life, red symbolizes passion and nourishment, orange symbolizes excitement and harvest, yellow symbolizes ease and security, white symbolizes cleanliness and elegance, etc. . Therefore, in the design, it is often used as a sleep and tranquilizer drug in blue, an analgesic and sedative drug in green, a stomach and digestion drug in orange, a health and tonic drug in red, and a light toilet and defecation drug in yellow.

In the packaging design of pharmaceutical products, we must adhere to the principle of adapting to the conditions of illness, adjusting to pharmacodynamics, adopting appropriate measures for consumers' psychology, adopting the principles of fashion and aesthetic interest, and attaching importance to creativity. Therefore, the color design of medical product packaging can closely combine the pharmacological properties of medicines and warm care, determine the appearance of the impression of unity and the inherent quality of the cognition, cultivate the aesthetic sense of packaging design of pharmaceutical products, is conducive to win the trust of consumers With goodwill, it is safe and reliable, and establishes the brand image of the product in the consumer market.

The editor of China Packaging Network believes that although most of the packaging nowadays focuses on novelty, it will never change, and no matter how the packaging design is advanced in the future, it is inseparable from the three elements of text, graphics, and color. These three elements are the foundation of packaging design. Only when there is foundation support, we can play at will, and even better pharmaceutical packaging.

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