Do you know what kind of crib is right for your child?

Newborn babies have delicate skin, incomplete development of the respiratory system, lack of self-resistance, lack of self-awareness, and love to mess with things. Sleep is extremely agile, and growth is rapid. The treasure mothers need to purchase these features for infants when choosing a crib.

So, what kind of crib is suitable for your child?


Parents are an important factor in choosing a crib—material. The newborn baby's skin is very delicate and does not form its own resistance. This places a very high demand on the material of the crib. Solid wood cribs do not contain harmful substances such as chemical binders used in composite or adhesive materials and are suitable for baby use. The solid wood pine is the most suitable for children's Furniture:

1. The material of pine wood is soft, and it belongs to cork. Even if a child accidentally touches it, the degree of injury is much lighter than that of hardwood.

2. The pine wood has a lighter color, which is more suitable for children's growing environment;

3. Pine has its own fragrance and it is closer to nature;

4. Pine will emit a natural fragrance - aromatic negative ions, beneficial to human health.

Surface coating

Choosing the crib is a necessary factor - surface coating. According to the standards of developed countries such as Europe and the United States, cribs must be painted, and paint-free cribs can only be regarded as semi-finished products in Europe and the United States and cannot be used for sales. The lacquer-free crib is easy to crack, and the burr can damage the baby's delicate skin, and it is also easy to be polluted. Saliva, milk stains, sweat stains, etc. cannot be wiped, and easy to become dirty and moldy will cause the baby to feed and cause illness. Some paints will inevitably contain formaldehyde, so in the purchase of baby cribs should pay attention to quality, Europe and the United States standards certified crib, the paint also has high requirements, it is best to environmental protection water paint. Water-based paint water as a solvent, safe and environmentally friendly, non-toxic and pollution-free.

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