Internet of Things enters people's lives, smart homes are not alone

Page 1: The business opportunities of the Internet of Things industry are highlighted

Smart home, on the surface, is a network system in which things can be integrated, but from the existing nature, the coverage of such network systems will be much larger than the existing network systems. At the same time, the operation of the overall smart home is actually a process of frequent data exchange. And when smart homes are put into use in relevant emerging technologies, the era of its popularity will come. By then, the real-time data transmission and processing of the entire network will be more, not just a few people apply. In the current development process of smart home, it is not alone. The two network technologies of Internet of Things and cloud computing will play an important role in promoting its development.

About 15 years ago, RFID (radio frequency identification) technology pioneer Kevin Ashton proposed the concept of the Internet of Things. According to the agreed agreement, this is a network that connects any item to the Internet for information exchange and communication to achieve intelligent identification, location, tracking, monitoring and management. Simply put, the Internet of Things is the "Internet connected to things." Many people think that the Internet of Things is a concept of hype, but in fact it has become a reality, and is entering the civic life.

Today's IoT smart home system is actually a small IoT for home use. It needs to collect relevant information through various sensors, and through the analysis and feedback of this information, realize relevant functions. In order to meet the needs of smart homes, cloud computing has become the best partner of smart homes. By building a cloud home through cloud computing, you can achieve more accurate and fast control of home devices, and get better cloud services for users. At the same time, the cost is also cheaper. Similarly, the contribution of the Internet of Things to the development of smart homes cannot be ignored.

At present, the Internet of Things technology is about to bring development opportunities for the promotion of smart cities. With the continuous development and maturity of technology, technologies such as 3G and Internet of Things are becoming mature and stable. Cloud computing, a business computing model, will eventually be combined with these technologies. Complement each other and bring unpredictable changes to the world. 3G and cloud computing are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. Cloud computing and the Internet of Things are mutually reinforcing, and they are popular in the field of smart homes.

Internet of Things industry business opportunities highlight

The development of the Internet of Things, the concept of connecting objects and objects is widely used in life. The use of Internet of Things technology, from seeds to planting, to restaurants and supermarkets, and the function of food information traceability will bring good memories to the healthy life of Nanning citizens. .

In 2012, Shanghai, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wuxi, Qingdao and other first urban traceability systems have been put into trial operation, and docked with the central platform, uploading more than 26 million data. Nanning will also start the construction of a meat and vegetable circulation traceability system. In March of this year, the Ministry of Commerce held a training meeting on the construction of meat and vegetable circulation traceability system in Nanning, and a signing ceremony for the joint procurement of special software and hardware for the third batch of pilot cities.

The relevant person in charge of the Autonomous Region Industrial and Information Committee said that as an emerging network technology, the Internet of Things has an extremely important role in various industries. The Internet of Things industry mainly includes intelligent industry, intelligent agriculture, intelligent transportation, intelligent logistics, smart grid, smart environmental protection. Smart security, smart medical care, smart home, etc., now the business opportunities of the Internet of Things industry have been highlighted.

It is worth noting that there are still many problems in the actual marketing process, not because of the technical problems existing in the Internet of Things, but how the projects enter thousands of households. In the long run, smart communities, smart homes, and smart medical care are all unstoppable new trends, but I still need to go through a long period of time to truly realize "intelligence."

Page 2: Internet of Things Smart Home Technology Talents

The first Internet of Things Research Association in Guangxi Nanning City Internet of Things Research Association was established in Nanning in 2010. Its establishment organically combines the production, learning, research and use of the Internet of Things, and is widely used in the Internet of Things in Nanning. And the development of the industry provides a strong impetus.

IoT smart home technology talents become fragrant

For example, a smart home job advertisement for a smart home has listed many requirements, such as application software development engineers, construction engineers, project implementation engineers, software test engineers, project management engineers, industrial design engineers, software development engineers, and so on. For technicians, most employers require work experience and have a working life of at least one year. In terms of salary, it is mainly determined by the level of the position. In a growing company, the salary may not be very high, but it will give some equity; the listed company will have a higher ability to pay, and the salary will be higher. The annual salary will probably be between 100,000 and 200,000 yuan.

In fact, since the rise of the Internet of Things, the problem of talent shortage has emerged. Many domestic universities have also set their sights on this emerging industry, vying to set up the Internet of Things and related professions to meet market demand and solve student employment problems. The Ministry of Education has issued documents and opened 64 Internet-related related majors in 59 universities across the country, but it still can't meet the market needs. The number of talents in the Internet of Things will be about 10 million in the next few years. On the one hand, enterprises need comprehensive and sophisticated Internet of Things talents. On the other hand, colleges and universities are scarce of such talents. In this context, it is not difficult to understand the scarcity of smart home talents.

In view of the current shortage of IoT talents, the head of the smart home leader IoT Sensing Technology Department said that smart homes belong to new industries, and the theory of colleges and universities has not become mainstream. Many professors and students are very good at single aspects such as electronics and electromechanical. But it is very difficult to get together. In colleges and universities, there is a lack of talents with ideas and lack of integrated talents with overall planning. In addition, China's cloud computing started late and conceptually weak. After the concept of industrialization was proposed, there was no unified industry rules, no professional disciplines and systems were formed, and there were no vacancies in the positions, but the talent supply could not meet the requirements.

The talent training of the Internet of Things cannot be isolated, including not only personnel training in sensing, terminal, and communication networks, but also talent training in cloud computing and big data. The basic engineers responsible for software and hardware are relatively low-demand, and the ultimate engineers responsible for the main network and the Internet of Things are more stringent. Internet of Things talents need to be comprehensively cultivated.

The importance of talent has been agreed in the smart home industry. Nowadays, the drawbacks of smart home wired technology have been fully exposed. Wireless technology has become popular and has become a future development trend. At present, various technical talents about wireless smart homes are extremely popular, and some enterprises even do not hesitate to plunder talents.


Since the country proposed the Internet of Things development strategy in 2009, the Internet of Things has developed rapidly in China, and has made great progress in many fields such as smart home, intelligent transportation, smart agriculture, and intelligent industry. Experts predict that by 2015, China's Internet of Things industry will reach 500 billion yuan. The output value of smart homes will also exceed 1,240 billion yuan. The Internet of Things enters the lives of the people, and smart homes are not alone.

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