Instant rice can bring convenience to life

For countries or single families who do not use rice as a staple food, having to cook rice sometimes can be a problem. In response to the demand for convenient high quality rice, Piriya Thai Foods Co., Ltd. has developed an instant canned rice product for these consumers.
Mr. Boon said that they have conducted a decade of research to develop this product.
This Thai Hom Mali white rice is made from scented jasmine rice with soft texture. All natural aromas are sealed and no additives are added. For those who like high dietary fiber diets, they can choose brown rice that also contains vitamin B.
The product does not need to be cooked again. But for those who like to eat hot rice, they can put the product into hot water in just three minutes, or they can first pour the product into a microwaveable container and then heat it with a microwave 1-2 minute.
Both types of products have a shelf life of two years, and each has two sizes - 435 grams and 180 grams. One box has 24
Cans, the price is about 18 US dollars.

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